Friday, May 15, 2009

Impact Print

For my impact print, I wanted to do a sort of advertisement for Sisley, a brand which primarily uses shock factor as an advertising tactic. I think it is a very effective strategy for this brand, and says a lot about its clientele. I also think the photography is extremely edgy and has a raw quality to it that I really enjoy. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

group landscape

Our group landscape is basically a "stream of consciousness" concept. The imagery and text are all extremely random but come together as organized chaos. Here's 3 images of the progression to the final piece:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A new Bible cover!

Seeing as the Bible is an extremely mass produced book...perhaps infinitely...I decided to redesign the cover in an extremely different way, inappropriate way.  

Traditional Bible Cover....

Interesting how the Bible always has such a standard, traditional cover....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Infinite Print ideas

So I have been racking my brain for the past few days trying to figure out something to do for this project. I am quite hung up on the "infinite" print part of the assignment...isn't pretty much anything you send to the printer potentially infinite?? Pretty much any thing i've ever shot is essentially infinite...I could print millions of my photos if I wanted. 

SO. What to do. Sometimes I think the best way to get new ideas is to ask people for ideas when they don't know they're supposed to be thinking of them. Hence, in come the roommates. When I asked my roommate Jayne what she thought an infinite print meant she of course said the obvious "something that goes on and on forever" and so I pushed her for an example and she decided that the Bible was the ultimate infinite print. My loosely Methodist childhood aside, I'd have to agree...

So. The Bible. Definitely a print. Definitely seems infinite. It's quite possibly the most violently debated book I own (somewhere I have one...). There's clearly an idea to work with here. Now if I could just find it...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

"fashion-y" screen prints...

Screen printing???

Alright so I've been mulling over this ultimately screen printed image, and I am having an extreme amount of difficulty thinking of fashion imagery that would translate well into a 3 color screen print. I suppose I am having the most trouble because my photographs mostly have an editorial quality and the screen prints seem to present this graphic quality that is very unfamiliar to me. 

I also am trying to figure out how to present my idea in favor of manipulation into a new image. Basically any photograph I take I digitally manipulate a lot, so I am having trouble thinking of a way to incorporate this basic belief that a digitally manipulating photographs is completely fine. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The word "manipulation" is an extremely loaded word that is often accompanied by infinitely
negative associations. As a photographer, I find that people often love to hate digital manipulation of imagery, insinuating that the work is somehow "unfair" and "deceitful." Personally, I completely dismiss that idea, standing firm with my personal definition of of the word or act ... manipulation is simply a means to a desired end

For are some retouched
 ("manipulated") images by Steven Meisel...

Here is an image from the superbowl that I edited to show how drastic a little manipulation can be to an image...